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Christ-honoring curriculum - Truth be told

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Beyond the Books Tours is dedicated to presenting the wonders of England and its literary accomplishments with a biblical worldview. Customized curriculum for schools is available pre-trip and lectures are given at each significant stop on the way. Scriptural understanding of authors, novels, and historical events is passionately delivered to help shape your understanding.

truth be told curriculum

England is a beautiful country, there is no doubt.  Its landscapes, history and people are extraordinary.  They are reflections of a sovereign and gracious Creator.  So, it is essential that we look at its glories through His eyes and understand England with His perspective.  Beyond the Books Tours is distinctive in its approach to understanding and enjoying the country.

teaching the bible england and scotland
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We intentionally seek the Truth from Scripture to give clarity to every aspect of England and the richness of its literary heritage.  We bring attention to the obvious hand of God as it has shaped the past, present and future.  In other words, Christ isn’t just part of the trip; He is the point of the trip!

The mission of our tour is to develop spiritual discernment when looking at the literature and understanding the functions of British culture.  The result, we pray is a greater affection for Christ, dedication to His Word, and urgency with the Gospel. Each tour, lecture, discussion and devotional is designed to bring these truths to light. 


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We offer two weeks of pre-trip spiritual study material called Essentials to help prepare the traveler's heart and mind for all they will experience

queued up!

morning devotionals at Beyond the books

Each morning of the tour, travelers are encouraged with a short devotional that corresponds to the activities of the day. 

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